2021 Spring Conference:
Certified Pediatric Emergency Nurse (CPEN) Review Course
May 6th, 2021 0730-1700
All attendees should have received the zoom link and electronic booklet from [email protected] on 5/1/21. If you did not, please email that account. Thank you!!
It's time to take your clinical practice to the next step! If you're looking to broaden your knowledge, gain CEUs, or finally prepare to become a Board Certified Nurse, this event is for you!! Join the South Dakota Emergency Nurses Association this May for their Spring Conference and Education for a one day virtual CPEN Review!
Join us for this completely virtual event! Space is limited, don't delay! General registration opens 4/2/21 General registration: $75 REGISTRATION CLOSES APRIL 30TH No refunds. This course normally costs over $150! |
7.0 CEU Credits Available!RN, EMS, & RRT
Looking for a Rapid Review of Sick Kids?
This live engaging review seminar (presented virtually on Zoom) is for emergency and critical care nurses, as well as transport teams, who provide urgent care to pediatric patients and their families. This review is designed to give participants easy ways to remember important tips pertaining to pediatric emergency nursing. The instructor, Scott DeBoer, has entertaining and helpful videos, real-life case studies, and uses a unique game show style review session that is sure to leave attendees feeling more confident in there pediatric skills!
Respiratory emergencies, Cardiovascular emergencies, Congenital hearts and CPR, Neuro Nightmares and Dysfunctional Dilemmas, Drowning, Drugs, Bugs, Bites, Rashes, Bellies, Birth, Babies, Hormones, Haagen-Dazs, Bumps, Breaks, Morphine, Monitoring and Pediatric Pearls!
After this review course participants are highly encouraged to sit for the CPEN Certification!
An electronic study booklet will be provided to all attendees prior to the event.
After this review course participants are highly encouraged to sit for the CPEN Certification!
An electronic study booklet will be provided to all attendees prior to the event.