2020 SD ENA Annual Meeting

When: Wednesday, October 21st, 2020
Time: 1730-2030
Where: Falls Overlook Cafe or ZOOM
ZOOM: use this link to join virtually: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2090020950?pwd=YTZlVU53VTRNNTRzbmd0VWJoQURtUT09
Who: ALL members are invited. Non-members are welcome to join us!
RSVP: For appropriate headcount for food, please RSVP below
Time: 1730-2030
Where: Falls Overlook Cafe or ZOOM
ZOOM: use this link to join virtually: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2090020950?pwd=YTZlVU53VTRNNTRzbmd0VWJoQURtUT09
Who: ALL members are invited. Non-members are welcome to join us!
RSVP: For appropriate headcount for food, please RSVP below
The annual meeting is a great time to connect with emergency nurses across South Dakota! We will start the meeting at 1730 with an overview of our 2020 accomplishments and celebrations. Supper will be served to all attendees. At 1900 we will watch the premier of "In Case of Emergency", which is a documentary that follows emergency nurses and their patients in seven unique settings across the U.S, from urban to rural, shedding light on some of the biggest health care crises facing Americans today, and the opportunity that emergency nurses have to help break a sometimes-vicious cycle for patients under their care.